Churchman's Crossing Monitoring Committee Update
The Churchman’s Crossing Monitoring Committee (CXMC) was formed in 2022 to guide and fulfill the recommendations of the 2022 Churchman's Crossing Plan Update. This work is being accomplished through a collaborative dialogue among the CXMC members, who represent a cross-section of stakeholders, including implementing agencies, elected officials, local civic and community leaders, business interests, and advocacy groups.
Each year the CXMC meets on multiple occasions, hosts an annual public workshop in the Spring, and publishes an Annual Churchman’s Crossing Monitoring Report. All previous meeting materials, meeting recordings, and monitoring reports can be found on the Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update website, linked above.
Since our last CXMC Summer newsletter, the 2024-2025 CXMC cycle has begun. The CXMC will have two Committee meetings this cycle, as well as the annual public workshop in the spring. The Draft 2024 Annual Churchman’s Crossing Monitoring Report will be published later this winter.
The first meeting of the CXMC 2024-2025 cycle was held on December 10, 2024. The main focuses of the meeting were:
- To recap the previous work of the CXMC, including the work to initiate the bicycle/pedestrian prioritization process,
- To provide updates on the bicycle/pedestrian improvements efforts completed over the summer, and
- To look ahead at the upcoming cycle and the anticipated work of the CXMC.
Spotlight Topics were introduced to the CXMC meetings during the 2023-2024 cycle to help achieve the primary goal of the Committee – to advance the Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update recommendations. Spotlight Topics are intended to highlight specific recommended projects, taking a “deeper dive” into recommendations that were identified as priorities by the CXMC. Spotlight Topics may also investigate new issues pertaining to transportation or land use within the Churchman’s Crossing are that were identified by or brought to the attention of the CXMC. Spotlight Topics provide committee members with more detailed information about the highlighted projects that they can share with their communities.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements Follow Up
The Fall 2024 meeting featured a Spotlight Topic on the continuing bicycle/pedestrian improvements effort in the Churchman’s Crossing area. Recommendations to provide pedestrian/bicycle improvements along existing roads and connections serving existing communities were included in the Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update and prioritized by the CXMC. However, specific improvements and connections were not identified in the Plan Update.
During the 2023 – 2024 cycle, the CXMC and technical team worked to define potential pedestrian and bicycle connections in the Churchman’s Crossing area.
Last Spring, the potential connections were shared at the 2024 Public Workshop, which included a pedestrian and bike network activity with the goal of gaining input from the public on which potential connections are the most important in the Churchman’s Crossing area. Results from this activity are shown in the map below.
Input from the CXMC and the public are being used by the technical team to continue analyzing potential network improvements. During the Fall 2024 meeting, the technical team presented how these projects were further ranked over the Summer using the DelDOT Bicycle Mobility Tool.
Next steps to continue advancing the bicycle/pedestrian improvements include developing and quantifying the benefit of combining projects into different multi-project scenarios, performing cost benefit analyses, and identifying which projects will best increase low-stress access to community centers, employment centers, parks, schools, and transit. A recording of the Fall 2024 Spotlight Topic can be found on the Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update website.
DelDOT Canal District Office
250 Bear Christiana Road, Bear DE 19701
CXMC Spring Public Workshop
Location TBD, Stay Tuned!
The DelDOT Projects Portal map shows active projects in and around the Churchman’s Crossing area, and includes additional information about the planning, design, and construction of each project. Use the Project Portal map to view any active projects or select the links below to go directly to a specific project’s webpage.
- SR 2 / Red Mill Road Intersection
- SR2 Capitol Trail at Darwin Drive Intersection Improvements
- East Coast Greenway, SR 4 Shared-Use Path Gap
- SR 4 / Harmony Road Intersection
- BR 1-249 on Old Baltimore Pike over Tributary to Christina River
- BR 1-655 on SR 7 Limestone Road over CSX Railroad
- SR 4/SR 7, Stanton Split
- SR 4 Safety Study
- Pavement and Rehabilitation, North I, SR4 – W. Newport Pike
- Old Capital Trail, Newport Road to Stanton Road
- Rehabilitation of Bridges 1-719, 1-720, 1-738, and 1-739 in I-95
- I-295 Northbound, SR141 to US13
- SR 1 Widening, Road A to South of US 40
The most recent bus service changes went into effect November 17, 2024. Changes in the Churchman’s Crossing area include the following:
- Route 64 extended to the Hospital, and ending at Fairplay Station (except Sunday)
- Routes 37, 42, 44, and 62 were eliminated due to low ridership
- Route 10 was rerouted to serve the US 13 corridor
For more route information, visit the DART website here.
NCC Department of Land Use
The New Castle County Comprehensive Plan (NCC2050) identifies the need for revisions to the redevelopment provisions in the Unified Development Code and recommends context sensitive development design that is consistent with the Guiding Principles for Development.
Found in Appendix 7 of the County’s Unified Development Code, the Guiding Principles are divided into five Character Areas, each with general guidance for building design, site design and amenities. The five Character Areas are: Residential Neighborhood, Mixed Residential Neighborhood, Corridor, Center, and New Community Development.
The county's recommendations for redevelopment include:
- Community Development Area Incentives
- Corridor Redevelopment
- Redevelopment Provisions
- Repurposing Vacant and Under-Utilized Office Space and Commercial Properties
Kirkwood Highway Land Use and Transportation Plan
The final public workshop for the Kirkwood Highway Land Use and Transportation Plan will be held on February 24, 2025, between 4:30pm and 6:30pm at the Cranston Heights Fire Company. The Plan has been under development since 2023, and has identified final recommendations for transportation improvements and land use policy strategies for the Kirkwood Highway study area. The draft Plan, which has been developed with extensive community and stakeholder input, includes both short term and long-term improvements and initiatives for the Kirkwood Highway Corridor between Newark and Wilmington that will shape the way people live, work, and play in the area. For more information and to register in advance for the workshop, please visit: