Concord Pike Monitoring Committee Update
The Concord Pike Monitoring Committee (CPMC) was formed in 2021 to guide and fulfill the recommendations of the Concord Pike Master Plan. This work is being accomplished through a collaborative dialogue among Committee members, who represent a cross-section of stakeholders, including implementing agencies, local and civic community leaders, elected officials, state police, business interests, and advocacy groups.
Each year the CPMC meets on multiple occasions, hosts an annual public workshop in the Spring, and publishes an Annual Concord Pike Monitoring Report. All previous meeting materials, meeting recordings, and monitoring reports can be found on the Concord Pike Master Plan website.
Since the last CPMC summer newsletter, the 2024-2025 CPMC cycle has begun. The CPMC will have two Committee meetings this cycle, as well as a public workshop that will be held on June 2, 2025 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM. The location is still to be determined. The Draft 2024 Annual Concord Pike Monitoring Report will be published later this winter.
The first meeting of the CPMC 2024-2025 cycle was held on November 18, 2024. The main focuses of the meeting were:
- To recap the previous work of the CPMC,
- To give an update on the Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study,
- To provide a Spotlight Topic on concerns at the US 202 & Murphy Road/Powder Mill Road Intersection, which were brought to the technical team at the Spring 2024 Public Workshop,
- To discuss new ideas that could potentially be included in an addendum to the Concord Pike Master Plan, including a request for a crosswalk near Woodrow Ave, and
- To look ahead at the upcoming cycle and anticipated work of the CPMC.
Materials from the Fall 2024 meeting, including the PowerPoint presentation and a recording of the meeting can be found on the Concord Pike Master Plan website.
Spotlight Topics were introduced to the CPMC meetings during the 2023-2024 cycle to help achieve the primary goal of the Committee – to advance the Concord Pike Master Plan recommendations. Spotlight Topics are intended to highlight specific recommended projects, taking a “deeper dive” into recommendations that were identified as priorities by the CPMC. Spotlight Topics may also investigate new issues pertaining to transportation or land use along the Concord Pike corridor that were identified by or brought to the attention of the CPMC. The Spotlight Topics provide committee members with more detailed information about the highlighted projects that they can share with their communities.
US 202 & Murphy Road/Powder Mill Road Intersection
The Fall 2024 CPMC meeting featured a Spotlight Topic on the US 202 & Murphy Road/Powder Mill Road Intersection, based on comments received at the 2024 Spring CPMC Public Workshop. Specifically, a local resident stated the following:
- “Westbound Murphy Rd used to have an exclusive right-turn lane at Powder Mill Rd;
- Several years ago, it was changed to a shared thru/right lane;
- This change has caused extra delay and longer queues for vehicles wanting to make the right-turn onto northbound US 202.
- Can the westbound approach be changed back to its previous configuration?”
The technical team reviewed the public comment and the intersection and, using historic aerial imagery, found that the right-most lane has been a shared thru-right lane since at least 1994. Operational analyses of the intersection showed that the lane could be converted to a right-turn only lane with only minor impacts to queues and delays at the intersection. However, the technical team also identified safety concerns with the suggested lane configuration modifications, specifically, the potential for increased sideswipe crashes due to lane alignment. For these reasons, the technical team and DelDOT did not recommend any changes to the westbound lane configuration.
Location TBD, Stay Tuned!
CPMC Spring Public Workshop
Location TBD, Stay Tuned!
The Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO), along with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) and the New Castle County Department of Land Use, are working together to create a program of improvements for Augustine Cut Off. The Augustine Cut Off Multimodal Improvement Study, Phase 2, follows the Phase 1 study conducted by DelDOT in 2022 which led to a pathway/sidewalk improvement concept for Augustine Cut Off from Lovering Avenue to Cantera Avenue, which is currently in the design process.
The goal of the study is to provide a program of improvements for the corridor from a more holistic perspective (bike/ped facilities, intersection improvements, traffic calming, typical sections, aesthetics) and develop a concept for a capital project. Consensus building and establishment of stakeholder support for the plan is a key element in this process. These activities will be accomplished through a facilitated stakeholder outreach process that will include meetings and interactive workshops. For more information, visit the Augustine Cut Off Multimodal Improvement Study, Phase 2 website.
November 2024 bus service changes in the Concord Pike corridor include schedule adjustments to routes 18 and 61 to improve on-time performance and connections.
For more route information, visit the DART website here.
You may have seen DelDOT crews working along the Concord Pike corridor this summer refreshing striping and pavement markings. This work was completed in August 2024.
NCC Department of Land Use
The New Castle County Comprehensive Plan (NCC2050) identifies the need for revisions to the redevelopment provisions in the Unified Development Code and recommends context sensitive development design that is consistent with the Guiding Principles for Development.
Found in Appendix 7 of the County’s Unified Development Code, the Guiding Principles are divided into five Character Areas, each with general guidance for building design, site design and amenities. The five Character Areas are: Residential Neighborhood, Mixed Residential Neighborhood, Corridor, Center, and New Community Development.
The county's recommendations for redevelopment include:
- Community Development Area Incentives
- Corridor Redevelopment
- Redevelopment Provisions
- Repurposing Vacant and Under-Utilized Office Space and Commercial Properties
Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study Update
WILMAPCO and DelDOT have initiated the Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study to evaluate the feasibility of creating a pedestrian/bicycle pathway under Concord Pike/US 202 at Rocky Run near Widener University. An underpass at Rocky Run was included in the Concord Pike Master Plan and was identified as a priority project in the CPMC.
The study is considering the use of the existing culvert (pictured below) for a pathway connection under Concord Pike at this location and expanding the current trail network to better connect recreational areas, retail, restaurants, and neighborhoods. The study is also evaluating other options to cross Concord Pike/US 202 in the vicinity of the culvert, including an overpass and an at-grade crossing at existing traffic signals.
The first public workshop for the Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study will be held on February 10, 2025, between 4:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. at the Talleyville Fire Company. Attend the workshop to learn more about the study, review preliminary technical analyses, and provide your feedback and input. For more information, visit the study website.